Thursday, March 1, 2012

Vision Disability Activity

My classmates and I had the opportunity to experience how it feels like to move through space as if we had poor vision. We tried different methods of looking through plastics that contained a specific disability in the eye.

Here is my partner, Megan Pharmer, looking through different plastics.

Looking through a ziploc bag that's folded in half was impossible for me to read the newspaper.

The next task was to fold the ziploc bag into fourths.

We were given a sunglass that was covered with petroleum jelly. When you can't really see, you do rely on texture to find your way around!

The stairs in the Atrium library had good contrast and texture for the blind.

The stairs in the main part of the CUB was not well-designed for the blind. Walking down was difficult because the colors were both very dark.

One thing that I never realized was that blind people uses the ATM as well! 

Here is a sketch that I drew and took notes while I was at the ATM machine.

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